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Courses in Scientific Computing
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ARC Training for EDIA Champions (Nov 2024)
SCMP281 Bash command line with common idioms (Feb 2025)
SCMP201 Linux Shell Scripting (Apr 2025)
SCMP201 Linux Shell Scripting (Jan 2025)
SCMP201 Linux Shell Scripting (Oct 2024)
SCMP161 Intro to Apptainer (Nov 2024)
SCMP142 Intro to Programming with Python (Nov 2024)
SCMP283 Securing File Access Permissions on Linux (Oct 2024)
HPC101 - Intro to Supercomputing (Sep 2024)
SCMP101 - Intro to Linux Command Line (Mar 2025)
SCMP101 - Intro to Linux Command Line (Nov 2024)
SCMP101 - Intro to Linux Command Line (Sep 2024)
SCMP201 Shell Scripting (Apr 2024)
SCMP101 Intro to Linux Command Line (Feb 2024)
SCMP101 Intro to Linux Command Line (Dec 2023)
SCMP151 Introduction to Quantum Computing (Jul 2024)
SCMP201 Linux Shell Scripting (Nov 2023)
SCMP241 From Python to C++ (Nov 2023)
SCMP161 Intro to Apptainer (Oct 2023)
SCMP142 Intro to Programming with Python (Oct 2023)
SCMP101 Intro to Linux Command Line (Sep 2023)
SCMP151 Introduction to Quantum Computing (June 2023)
SCMP201 Linux Shell Scripting (Mar 2023)
SCMP281 Bash command line with common idioms, awk, and others (Apr 2023)
SCMP291 Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux (Feb 2023)
SCMP241 From Python to C++ (Jan 2023)
SCMP161 Introduction to Apptainer (Sep 2022)
SCMP183 Enable your research with Cybersecurity! (Oct 2022)
SCMP101 Intro to the Linux Command Line (Oct 2022)
SCMP142 Intro to Programming with Python (Oct. 2022)
SCMP151 Introduction to Quantum Computing (July 2022)
SCMP201 Linux Shell Scripting (Apr 2022)
SCMP271 Advanced Linux Command Line (Feb 2022)
SCMP101 Introduction to the Linux Shell (Jan 2022)
SCMP110 Session question/réponse clés SSH (29 oct 2021)
SCMP271 Advanced Linux Command Line (Jun 2021)
SCMP110 SSH Keys Drop-in Session (28 Oct 2021)
SCMP101 Intro to the Linux Shell (Oct 2021)
SCMP110 SSH Keys Drop-in Session (22 Nov 2021)
SCMP110 SSH Keys Drop-in Session (15 Nov 2021)
SCMP271 Advanced Linux Command Line (Nov 2021)
SCMP183 Securing Your Research on Compute Clusters and Clouds (Nov/Dec 2021)
SCMP183 Enable your research with Cybersecurity! (Jun 2021)
SCMP110 SSH Keys Drop-in Session (25 Oct 2021)
SCMP101 Introduction to the Linux Shell (Jan 2021)
HPC243 Debugging and Performance (Aug. 2020)
SCMP913 Whole-Genome Association Analysis with PLINK (Aug. 2020)
SCMP935 Brain Network Modeling (Aug. 2020)
SCMP943 Python for MRI Analysis (Jul. 2020)
SCMP953 Neuroimaging Analysis at Scale (Jul. 2020)
SCMP101 Intro to Linux Shell (Jun. 2020)
SCMP271 Advanced Linux Command Line (Oct 2019)
SCMP101 Intro to the Linux Command Line (Jan 2020)
SCMP101 Intro to the Linux Command Line (Nov 2019)
SCMP101 Intro to the Linux Command Line (Sept 2019)
SCMP112 Numerical Computing with Python (Nov. 2019)
SCMP142 Introduction to Programming with Python (Oct. 2019)
_HPC160 BYOC/Biomedical Hacking (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
HPC243 Debugging and BYOC (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP935 Brain Network Modeling (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP925 Bayesian MRI Analysis (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP915 Machine Learning in Neuroimaging (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP943 Python for MRI Analysis (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP953 Neuroimaging Analysis at Scale (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP933 RNASeq Analysis (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP923 Next Generation Sequencing (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP913 PLINK (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP271 Advanced Linux (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP193 Introduction to Julia (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP101 Introduction to Linux Command Line (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
HPC160 Summer School Essentials (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
HPC160 CO Summer School Central (Ontario Summer School, June 2019)
SCMP271 Advanced Linux Command Line (Apr 2019)
SCMP201 Advanced Shell Programming (Feb. 2019)
SCMP101 Intro to Linux Shell (May 2019)
SCMP101 Intro to Linux Shell (Mar. 2019)
SCMP101 Intro to Linux Shell (Jan. 2019)
SCMP100 Scientific Computing Certificate Exit Test
SCMP201 Advanced Shell Programming (Oct. 2018)
SCMP101 Intro to Linux Shell (Nov. 2018)
SCMP101 Intro to Linux Shell (Sept. 2018)
SCMP112 Numerical Computing with Python (Nov. 2018)
SCMP142 Introduction to Programming with Python (Oct. 2018)
SCMP990 Biomedical Hacking (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
SCMP993 HCP with HPC: Surface Based Neuroimaging Analysis (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
SCMP983 Public Datasets for Neuroscience (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
SCMP973 R for MRI analysis (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
SCMP933 RNASeq Analysis (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
SCMP923 Next Generation Sequencing (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
SCMP913 PLINK (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
SCMP953 Image Analysis at Scale (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
SCMP943 Python for MRI analysis (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
HPC243 Debugging, Profiling and BYOC (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
SCMP101 Introduction to the Linux Shell (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
HPC160 CO Summer School Central (Ontario Summer School, June 2018)
SCMP101 Introduction to the Linux Shell (@CBP2018, May 2018)
SCMP101 Introduction to the Linux Shell (Jan. 2018)
PHY479 Undergrad Seminars on Advanced Research Computing, Data Science and Visualization (Fall 2017)
SCMP993 HCP with HPC: Surface Based Neuroimaging Analysis (Ontario Summer School, July 2017)
SCMP983 Public Datasets for Neuroimaging (Ontario Summer School, July 2017)
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