Site Education SciNet
Cours signalées avec « SNUG »
Monthly SciNet user meetings, now virtual, with user discussion and a TechTalk. The topic on May 11th, 2022 will be "Modern C++", by Yohai Meiron.
Abstract: C++ has existed for four decades, but has gone through especially significant changes in the 2010s with the advent of the Standard C++11 and beyond. We'll demonstrate some of the new language features, as well as the workflow and tools that make C++ an important programming language for scientific computing, and a lot of fun!
Monthly SciNet user meetings, now virtual, with user discussion and a TechTalk. The topic on April 13, 2022 will be "Data Management on Niagara", by Jaime Pinto.
Monthly SciNet user meetings, now virtual, with user discussion and a TechTalk. The topic on March 9 2022 will be on "SSH Keys for Niagara" by Raphaelle Gauriau.
SSH keys: really, are you sure you know everything about them?
Let's join us for some fun, interactive session to test and maybe improve your knowledge on SSH keys!
Monthly SciNet user meetings, now virtual, with user discussion and a TechTalk. The topic on Feb 9 2022 will be on "Using a Database on Niagara", by Yohai Meiron.
Abstract: Niagara has a dedicated node now running a PostgreSQL server for use by researchers. In this talk, we'll discuss the possible uses of a relational database management system, and when it is more appropriate to use a client-server system such as PostgreSQL as opposed to an "embedded" solution like SQLite.
ChIP-Seq analysis of the Interactive Bromodomain 1 protein (Ibd1) in Tetrahymena thermophila, by PhD student Alejandro Saettone (Ryerson University)