Assignment 8 - Command line argument

Assignment 8 - Command line argument

by Sierra Codeluppi -
Number of replies: 3


I am currently working on assignment 8 and my data is multiple files that need to run through the script do an analysis and then save the data to one large data frame for further analysis. Would it be ok if the command line argument passed is a directory then instead of just a filename? 

In reply to Sierra Codeluppi

Re: Assignment 8 - Command line argument

by Erik Spence -
Due to the way that the web site handles files, my instinct is to say No. How many files will be input?
In reply to Erik Spence

Re: Assignment 8 - Command line argument

by Sierra Codeluppi -

Hi Eric,

There is 16 files that should loop through when they are in the same directory? Would I be able to email the folder? 

Thank you 


In reply to Sierra Codeluppi

Re: Assignment 8 - Command line argument

by Erik Spence -
Please email and we'll figure out a way to deal with this.