Assignment 10 - confusion matrix

Assignment 10 - confusion matrix

by Anukrati Nigam -
Number of replies: 1

I was working on generating the confusion matrix for the Decision Tree. For the seeds dataset, my results from the confusion matrix for the decision tree look slightly different from the results shown in the assignment. 

 Confusion matrix:

Prediction  1  2  3
         1 13  0  0
         2  0 19  0
         3  3  0 17
Accuracy: 0.9423077

Can anyone help me out with where is the mistake?




In reply to Anukrati Nigam

Re: Assignment 10 - confusion matrix

by Boyan Konstantinov Tsankov -
since you're splitting the data randomly each time you run your code your results are bound to look different each time you run your code unless you pre-set the seed of the random number generator