Assignment 1

Assignment 1

by Iciar Iturmendi Sabater -
Number of replies: 3


I have been working on assignment 1. For part 1, I am able to extract CI types for all subjects and store all of them in a stringed variable. However when I try ordering them by CI type value, my output is ordered by subject ID value instead (as these are the first numeric values in my variable list). I am struggling to figure out how to isolate the CI type values to be able to order them arithmetically - could anyone help with this?

(I am unsure whether it is ok to share my code so far in here, so I have tried to explain with words!)

Thank you!

In reply to Iciar Iturmendi Sabater

Re: Assignment 1

by Erik Spence -
Be sure to sort by the correct column.
In reply to Erik Spence

Re: Assignment 1

by Leanna Lui -
Hi Dr. Spence,

When I open up the alexander directory, it's the only one where the files are noted as ".DATA" and I can't seem to open the file. Is this the way it's supposed to be set up? I followed the instructions as is to set up the assignment.

Thank you
In reply to Leanna Lui

Re: Assignment 1

by Erik Spence -
Why can't you open it? It's just a text file. Open it in your text editor.