Assignment 6 part 1e

Assignment 6 part 1e

by Andres Kohan -
Number of replies: 3


I'm confused on which average probability the outcome should reflect. The average probability you want in the outcome is n^m or m^n. For example, you want the averaged probabilities of 1^m, 2^m, 3^m, 4^m..n^m or the averaged probabilities of (1,2,3..n)1 (1,2,3..n)2... (1,2,3..n)m Please let me know if further clarification is required.

In reply to Andres Kohan

Re: Assignment 6 part 1e

by Erik Spence -
Typical calculations of average do not involve raising quantities to a given power. You should calculate the average probability for n=1, n=2, n=3, ..., n = n. The function should return a vector of n averages.
In reply to Erik Spence

Re: Assignment 6 part 1e

by Andres Kohan -
I tried to make a point there by using the exponential symbol, I wasn't suggesting to elevate anything. The idea was to express that something was run n or m number of times. What I am asking is something else. When you run m repetitions of 1 to n samples you will get many probabilities for 1 or any other given number in the sample. My question is whether you average rows (all the averages of 1 or any other number) or of columns (all the averages of a run from 1 to n) to generate as an output. For me it makes sense to average rows and not columns but it is not clear in the text. I'll try to make it graphical below so to avoid generating more misunderstanding to what I'm referring to:

m 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
1 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 etc
2 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 etc

Hope it makes any sense at all as it is hard to explain it in writing
In reply to Andres Kohan

Re: Assignment 6 part 1e

by Erik Spence -
As I said previously, you should calculate "the average probability for n=1, n=2, n=3, ..., n = n". This average will calculated over m repetitions. So I believe the answer to your question is average over rows.