I would like to clarify a few points in relation to the sub-parts of section 1 of the assignment. They are as follows:
1) For 1e, avg.many.n.birthdays, is there a specific format for the output of the function? Currently, my function returns a vector of average probabilities and has a length of n -- is this okay or should it be different?
2) For 1f, run.chisq.test, should Feb. 29 be excluded from the data file before a sample of n birthdays are generated? I.e., we are to only include 365 dates -- is that correct?
3) For 1f, once again, my function first generates a sample of n birthdays and then I convert it to a frequency table to feed into chisq.test(). I see a chi-square output, however, I am not sure if the frequency table is the correct input for this test. Am I on the right track?
I greatly appreciate all clarifications, thank you!