UPDATE from previous post

UPDATE from previous post

by Dave Bhullar -
Number of replies: 3

Update: I got to a point where the code runs quite faster, as below, but the integratedtest still fails and I am having some trouble seeing why

In reply to Dave Bhullar

Re: UPDATE from previous post

by Ramses van Zon -
I cannot see anything obviously wrong, but I also don't know exactly how you determined the localnrows and localncols, or how you read in the data. Note that the solution does not necessarily have to involve send and recv, because all the data is also already in the netcdf file.
In reply to Ramses van Zon

Re: UPDATE from previous post

by Dave Bhullar -
Hi Dr. van Zon,

I have this

and I determined localnrows like this

and I also have a slightly modified code like 

I do not know, I thought I followed the lecture notes example pretty carefully but it fails the integratedtest... sad 
In reply to Dave Bhullar

Re: UPDATE from previous post

by Linan Shi -
I haven't checked your code in detail but I suspect there is a problem of calculating the energy as I mentioned in a new question, which might lead to fail the integrated test...