Assignment 4

Assignment 4

by Nahla FadlElMawla -
Number of replies: 1

Are we supposed to use the duplicated command listed in help(unique)

Also what does fromLast = TRUE do does it consider duplication or does it not consider duplication 

by not hardcoding the division names does it mean not use the name like if "Toronto Water" ... ? 

In reply to Nahla FadlElMawla

Re: Assignment 4

by Erik Spence -
You may not 'hard code' the division names. This means that the names like 'Toronto Water' should not appear in your code. Consequently, you must find another way to determine what the division names are and to calculate the number of service calls for each one. This is where the 'unique' function can be helpful.

I don't understand your questions about the unique function. Can you explain further?