Unable to use catch2 unit test library on teach server

Unable to use catch2 unit test library on teach server

by Charley Xu -
Number of replies: 2


I am trying to use the catch2 library on the teach server, but I run into the following error:

In reply to Charley Xu

Re: Unable to use catch2 unit test library on teach server

by Charley Xu -
Ahh, it should be -lCatch2 as opposed to -lCatch at the end.

Slight error on slide 15 of Lecture 8.
In reply to Charley Xu

Re: Unable to use catch2 unit test library on teach server

by Ramses van Zon -
Thanks for catching that (unintentional pun), yes it should have been -lCatch2. I've updated the slides.