Workshop assignment
Conditions d'achèvement
Ouvert le : mercredi 23 mars 2022, 00:00
À rendre : jeudi 24 mars 2022, 23:55
First get familiar running the example provided on the Teach cluster:
- Log into the teach cluster: ssh
- Change directory to your scratch folder: cd $SCRATCH
- Copy the material needed for this course: cp -r /scinet/course/introhpc $SCRATCH
- Change to the newly created directory: cd $SCRATCH/introhpc
- Submit the job sbatch
- Once completed, check the output in the file slurm-<JobID>.out: less slurm-*.out
- The script `` executes 96 repeats of the
computation of the bond breakage time, one by one. These could all run in parallel. - How long did this script take?
- Create a modified version of,, that uses GNU
Parallel to parallelize the computation using 16 cores on a single
compute node of the Teach cluster. - Submit this new script to the scheduler. How long did the new script
take? - The script and its output should be submitted to this course website
by Thursday, March 24, 11:55 PM (EDT).