Courses tagged with "IHPCSS"

We'll give a quick overview on why you should use libraries, and what kind of libraries are available for scientific computing, with examples.

Part of the International HPC Summer School (IHPCSS) 2022 in Athens, Greece

Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 - 8:00 am

Visualization refers to techniques employed for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a message.  Scientific Visualization, in particular, is the representation of data in a visual manner, utilizing standardized techniques to explore the data.  To visualize complex data and ensemble complicated combinations of these techniques, we employ specialized software, usually known as “visualization suites”.

This session, will consist of a mix of lecture and hands-on to introduce scientific visualization using VisIt (https://visit-dav.github.io/visit-website/), an open-source, cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac) visualization suite.  Topics to cover will include: introduction to basics of visualization, visualization pipelines, scalar and vector fields representations, techniques to analyze multidimensional datasets, and movies generation.

Part of the International HPC Summer School (IHPCSS) 2022 in Athens, Greece

Teacher: Marcelo Ponce
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 - 8:15 am
Python is a widely used language for scripting, pre- and post-processing of data for other compute jobs, and for data analysis.  Although python is (rightly) not viewed as a high performance language, it nonetheless offers several ways to do parallel processing.  This session will be a critical, hands-on exploration of several high performance and parallel programming techniques for python, including numexpr and multiprocessing.

Part of the International HPC Summer School (IHPCSS) 2022 in Athens, Greece
Start date: 22 Jun 2022
End date: 22 Nov 2022
This summer school will familiarize the best students in computational sciences with major state-of-the-art aspects of HPC for a variety of scientific disciplines, catalyze the formation of networks, provide advanced mentoring, facilitate international exchange and open up further career options. Leading Canadian, European, Japanese and American computational scientists and HPC technologists will offer instruction in parallel sessions on a variety of topics as: HPC challenges in major scientific disciplines, HPC programming proficiencies, Performance analysis and profiling, Software engineering, Numerical libraries, Big data analysis and analytics, Machine learning, Scientific visualization, and Canadian, European, Japanese and US HPC infrastructure. This events was originally planned to take place in July 2020 but has been moved to July 2021 instead.
Teacher: SciNet Team
Category: External
Start date: 18 Jul 2021
End date: 30 Jul 2021