Topic outline

    • HPC133 Introduction to GPU Programming (Nov 2021)

      An overview of GPUs and their use in supercomputers. This workshop will explain what GPUs are, and cover the basic ideas of GPU use in scientific computing. We will introduce several GPU programming frameworks, and demonstrate how to accelerate a solution of a science problem using a GPU. Prior knowledge of programming (in any language) is recommended to be able to follow the exercise part of the workshop.
      Teacher: Yohai Meiron
      Date: Wed., 24 Nov. 2021 - 12:00 am
      High Performance Computing Credits: 3
    • This tarball contains the source code for the vector addition examples and gravitational potential exercise.

      The src/exercise directory contains two Python programs to test and benchmark the different solutions for the gravitational potential exercise; the solution functions are in the gravity_calculators subdirectory. To get the code working, a Python environment with NumPy, CuPy, and Numba is neede. The Sapporo N-body library has to be downloaded and patched before it can be used here, this is done automatically by the script in the sapporo2 directory.

    • [Please log in as an enrolled student to see recording and slides]