Development Seminars

OpenCL Middleware Seminar by AJ Guillon, who will demonstrate C++11 OpenCL middleware that enables professional software development for heterogeneous computing.
Teacher: SciNet Team
Date: Thu., 6 Mar. 2014 - 2:00 pm
IPython: tools for the entire lifecycle of research computing
Teacher: SciNet Team
Date: Fri., 9 Nov. 2012 - 12:15 pm
About Mark Ebersole:

Teacher: SciNet Team
Date: Tue., 18 Sep. 2012 - 10:00 am
Michael Nolta from CITA (Toronto) will talk about Julia, a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments
Teacher: SciNet Team
Date: Tue., 23 Oct. 2012 - 2:00 pm
Kit Barton of IBM Toronto's Compiler Team will talk about the XL compiler family, which is used on SciNet Power-6 system (the TCS) and Power-7 system, and will be used on the new Blue Gene/Q system coming this fall as well
Teacher: SciNet Team
Date: Mon., 17 Sep. 2012 - 2:00 pm